Ethos Statement
We value our historic traditions and will preserve and develop the religious character in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church and the mission of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and St. Joseph’s Parish.
St Joseph’s School will serve our community by providing the best possible education within the context of a Christ-centred community. We encourage and promote an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and gospel values through the experiences we offer all of our pupils. St Joseph was a man of faith; we aim to follow his example always and strive for excellence in all aspects of school life and pupil development.
Vision Statement
St Joseph’s is a happy, welcoming community, enriched by our diversity.
A place where we love one another, love learning, love Jesus and love life.
School Aims
We aim to provide a safe, happy, stimulating well-ordered community in which the children can learn and be valued as individuals. To achieve this, the school will help pupils:
- To secure the highest possible educational achievement attainable for each pupil, irrespective of race, class, gender, religion culture or physical ability.
- To nurture in each child a knowledge and love of the Catholic faith.
- To develop lively enquiring minds, with the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
- To become self-disciplined, independent learners.
- To use language and numbers effectively.
- To provide a challenging, rich and balanced curriculum, including experiences beyond the school, which is well planned and effective in meeting the needs of all our children.
- To understand the world in which they live and their role in it, and to give them confidence to proceed to the next stage of their development.
- To develop appropriate relationships with other children and adults, working together in a spirit of co-operation and mutual respect.