We consulted parents in a survey in June 2020 regarding the content of the ‘Life to the Full’ programme.
View our Questions and results below:
Q1- I understand what my child will be taught and when.
Q2 – I am comfortable with the Catholic ethos of the programme
Q3 – I trust my school’s judgement in delivering this programme
Q4 – I feel like my child will need additional support in understanding some of this content.
Q5 – I understand and accept that my role is as the ‘first educator’ of my child on matters related to teaching human sexuality.
Q6 – I approve of my child learning the names of external genitalia in KS1.
Q7 – I think Year 4 is a good time to start learning about physical changes during puberty.
Q8 – I think it is important that pornography is covered from an internet safety perspective.
Q9 – I think it is important that pornography is discussed as a way in which people are ‘used’.
Q10 – I would like further details regarding the optional content around these ‘Key Decisions’.